Free Information Seminar: Contracting with the State of Oregon

A free informational seminar on contracting with the State of Oregon will be held at Linn-Benton Community College Thursday, Feb. 26 from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Calapooia Center, room CC-203.

Presenters from a cross-section of State of Oregon departments will provide information on how business owners can add government contracts to their revenue stream.

In addition, a five-part series of sessions covering topics around contracting, marketing your business to state and federal agencies, finding and responding to solicitations, and subcontracting will begin after the free informational session.

Session one, “Contracting with the Federal Government,” will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Feb. 26 at the LBCC Albany campus, Luckiamute Center, room-130.

Additional sessions include: April 2: How to Market Your Business to State and Federal Agencies; April 30: Finding Solicitations to Bid On; May 14: Responding to a Solicitation; and May 28: Post Award Debriefing and Sub-Contracting.

Cost for each session is $19, or $85 for all five sessions.

For more information or to reserve your seat, contact Anne Green at 541-917-4929. Sponsored by LBCC’s Small Business Development Center.


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