LBCC ROV Team Takes 3rd Place in MATE Competition

LBCC's Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) team took 3rd place in the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) 10th Annual International Underwater Robotics Competition held at the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, June 16-18.

The team competed against ROV's from around the world, placing 3rd behind Purdue University and a team from California. LBCC’s team was one of only two teams to successfully complete all of the missions twice.

The final scores were based on a combination of the mission scores and scores for the team’s technical report, poster and oral examination.

LBCC ROV team members attending the competition included Quinten Ballard, Grant Blake, Nicholas Cantrell, Benjamin Dean, Jody Eaton, Alexander Frisk, Kristoffer Hess, William Hine, Jeremy Louke, Ivan Merlin, Nathan Murrow, Rachael Nolan, Coquille Rex, Symone Stinson, Michael Tilse, Dillyn Winn and team advisor Greg Mulder.

The LBCC team headed to the award platform three additional times to receive the Aloha Award, which is awarded by other teams to their favorite and most spirited team; the Sharkpedo Award, which is awarded by the judges for the best engineered ROV; and the MATE MVP award, won by team member and machine tool technology student Michael Tilse.

"Michael Tilse is an artist who returned to school to study machine tool technology," wrote team advisor and LBCC physics faculty Greg Mulder. "He celebrated his 58th birthday while in Houston. The team has always known that Michael was our MVP – the team was overjoyed, ecstatic and possessed the biggest smiles possible when Michael was internationally recognized as not only having superior machining skills but also being a top-notch member of a team."

After the award banquette, the LBCC team worked with the Hong Kong team until 2:30 a.m. to plan how they might collaborate on future missions and competitions.

"I would like to thank the entire LBCC community for supporting the LBCC ROV team," wrote Mulder. "It is not an exaggeration to say that every division on campus played a significant role in helping these future scientists, engineers and technicians have an experience that they won’t forget and greatly help point them toward exciting and fulfilling careers."


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