“OneVibe Diversity Day” Celebration May 9, 10-2

The Urban Shaman The annual “OneVibe Diversity Day” celebration will be held at Linn-Benton Community College Wednesday, May 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the college courtyard, 6500 Pacific Blvd. SW, Albany. The event includes musical performances by Portland’s The Urban Shaman , Gerencia Elegante of Albany, bagpiper Mark Mullaney , also from Portland, and LBCC’s own a capella group Blue Light Special . Close to thirty campus and community groups with information on diversity and cultural engagement will surround the courtyard. Courtyard lunch will be available for $5, or $4 for students, with proceeds benefiting LBCC’s Global Connections Club. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the LBCC Diversity Achievement Center at 541-917-4461. Direct questions about or requests for special needs or accommodations to the LBCC Disability Coordinator, RCH-105, 6500 Pacific Blvd. SW, Albany, Oregon 97321, Phone ...