How has LBCC Touched Your Life?

Had your car fixed lately? Or dental work done? Or maybe a check-up at the doctor’s office? Looked for an accountant? Hired someone to landscape your yard? Dropped your children at preschool? Called someone to fix your computer?

Even if you have never taken a class at LBCC, the college is deeply embedded in your community in many ways. Maybe it’s a family tradition to bring your children or grandchildren to the annual Children’s Winter Festival, now celebrating its 40th year. Maybe your child attended LBCC, or your neighbor, friend or co-worker. Maybe you’ve attended a music performance or play at the college, or a job fair.

Ask your mechanic, dental or medical assistant, accountant, local chef, preschool instructor, childcare provider, veterinarian assistant, or nurse . . . and you’ll find many will have one thing
in common: LBCC.

LBCC is in your life, helping you and your family everyday. Below are a few former students, at work in your communities. You may even know a few!

Medical Assistant: Katrina Wasson
Mid Valley Medical Group, Samaritan Health Services, Lebanon

“The medical assistant program gave me the confidence I needed to begin my career, with lots of support from my instructors and college staff. Looking back on my last year of studies, including my clinical classes and externship, I know this paved the way for a smooth transition into Samaritan Health Services. I had the chance to show the skills and work ethic that I learned, and the positive reputation of previous LBCC program graduates helped solidify my job opportunities.”

Accounting Technician: Laura Dalton
OSU Administrative Business Center, Corvallis

“After working in a temporary job for a number of years, I wanted to do something different with my life. I had multiple learning disabilities, but LBCC helped me identify them and learn how to deal with them. Because the instructors were so accessible and the class sizes were small, I was able to do well in the subjects that I struggled in. During my last year, I was named Outstanding Accounting Tech Student of the Year. With my accounting degree from LBCC, and my experience working at OSU, I qualify for continuing education through my job. I am currently working on my bachelor’s degree in accounting. I came back to LBCC for my prerequisite classes because I feel comfortable there. I feel connected, and I know where to find help when I need it.”

Automotive Technicians:
Pete Sabatino, Kevin Rooper, and Greg Adams, University Honda, Corvallis

Pete Sabatino
“I came to University Honda through LBCC’s internship program. LBCC is really a cool place. Earlier in my life, I had earned two associate degrees from LBCC. When I decided to go a different direction in my career, I turned to LBCC again to train to be a mechanic. I always had an interest in cars, and LBCC’s auto tech program turned out to be a good choice for me.”

Kevin Rooper
“I was hired on at University Honda while still in school at LBCC. I always loved taking things apart to see how they worked. LBCC has a great auto mechanic training program. While in the program, I took first place in the Oregon Skills USA competition for auto technician. I went on to place 15th in the national competition.”

Greg Adams
“I was in my second year at LBCC when I was hired at University Honda. The auto tech program at LBCC’s is really good. I went in knowing very little about cars, and came out with a really good overview of how cars work and how to fix them.”

Dental Assistant: Krystle Miller
Harris Family Dentistry, Albany

“LBCC counselors helped me find a career that I am passionate about by helping me match my interests and skills to a career path. The Dental Assistant program helped me to achieve my goal of becoming a dental assistant. After finishing the program, my instructor even helped me find a job, which was great!”


  1. Many graduates of the school can't find full-time work, or can't find work at all, can't make enough to pay their loans, and go into default. sildenafil


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