Students Rock Summer as They Compete Around the World

Summer is rocking for LBCC students participating in international competitions in robotics and music, and launching rockets at NASA Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. Oregon is the place to be for ocean engineering, says LBCC physics instructor and ROV team advisor Greg Mulder. That said, this is the 7th year LBCC’s Remote Operated Vehicle team, or ROV, has qualified for the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center’s annual international ROV competition, held this year at Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary in Alpena, Michigan June 26-28. The event pits teams from college and universities around the globe. The team worked all year to design and build a submersible robot, which they tested at nearby Osborn Aquatic Center pool. Students on the team come from a variety of majors including math, physics, computer science, engineering, health and human performance, and drafting. The team also relies heavily on technical writers, as one-third of the competitions score is ...