Check out Re-Choired Element Chamber Choir’s solo performance at St. Pancras Parish Church in London on July 2. The Choir gave a performance of 12 pieces back to back including some of their larger works from this year. The hall began to fill during the performance as pedestrians who heard them from the street came in to listen amongst those that were already seated in the hall, wrote LBCC choir director James Reddan. “The experience was absolutely stunning!” wrote Reddan afterwards. “We sure feel so lucky to have this opportunity to represent LBCC, Oregon, and the USA this evening!” Video ( '" ) Platform Video ( '" ) Management Video ( '" ) Solutions Video ( '" ) Player
Showing posts from July, 2012
Advanced Transportation Program Receives Propane Fuel Truck Donation from CoEnergy of Corvallis
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1991 Chevy Kodiak Propane Fueled Truck Automotive instructor Bryan Schiedler, left, and CoEnergy manager Randy Camp. CoEnergy Propane of Corvallis recently donated a propane fuel truck to Linn-Benton Community College’s Advanced Transportation program. The truck, a 1991 Chevy Kodiak, will be used as a training vehicle for students in the program to learn about alternative fuel systems. “It is our pleasure to work with LBCC on their new venture,” said Randy Camp, general manager of CoEnergy Propane. “Donating a propane-powered truck to help promote the training of LBCC students in the use of propane as a motor fuel can only benefit our community and the State of Oregon. As an Oregon owned and operated company, we want to do what we can to revitalize the local economy and bring Oregon back to where it belongs. We hope that this will help promote the use of propane and all alternative fuels in our area, and not only save other Oregon companies transportation dol...
LBCC Holds Informational Forum on Deferred Action Program
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An informational forum on the Deferred Action Program for Oregon will be held at Linn-Benton Community College on Thursday, August 2 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the Forum building lecture hall, room F-104, 6500 Pacific Blvd. SW, Albany. Information will be provided regarding the suspension of deportation of eligible youth and young adults and of temporary suspension of deportation and work permits. Attendees will learn about the policy, which allows for obtaining a Social Security number, and how it affects their possibility of attending college or university and obtaining an Oregon driver’s license. A question and answer session will follow, and a CausaOregon attorney will be present to answer legal questions related to the policy. This bilingual event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the LBCC Diversity Achievement Center at 541-917-4299.
LBCC Lebanon Center Medicare parts A, B, C & D
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A free class covering the basics of Medicare parts A, B, C & D will be held by Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) on Thursday, July 19 from 1:30 to 3:20 p.m. at the Linn-Benton Community College Lebanon Center, 44 Industrial Way. This class is designed for anyone who will be eligible for Medicare within a few months or is new to Medicare, or for current beneficiaries who would like a better understanding of their Medicare benefits and options. Spouses or caregivers are welcome to attend. Reservations are required by calling 541-812-0849. This class is taught by a SHIBA counselor and sponsored by Linn-Benton RSVP.
LBCC President Elected to National Post
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Greg Hamann, president of Linn Benton Community College, was elected Chair-elect of the American Association of Community Colleges President’s Academy, which guides professional development activities for presidents across the United States. Hamann was elected by a nationwide vote of community college presidents at AACC’s member institutions. He has served on the AACC President’s Academy executive committee since 2010. The committee, comprised of 13 elected community college CEOs including the chair, chair-elect, past chair, two representatives from each of the five regions and an ex-officio member, advises the AACC on leadership development opportunities and sponsor programs for member presidents. “I’m grateful for this unique opportunity to serve,” said Hamann, who has served as LBCC’s president since February of 2010. “This is an opportunity also to draw national attention to some of the great, innovative things that people at LBCC are doing.” The commit...
Choir Post 8 - The Big Show!
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Wednesday, July 4th Our final full day in London, and what a busy day it was. We were up early this morning for breakfast and then out to Knightsbridge for some final site seeing, lunch, and last minute souvenier shopping. Then off to our Dress Rehearsal! 2:30 pm Dress rehearsal begins with the Royal International Orchestra of Academia in Cadogan Hall, home to the Royal Philharmonic, soloists, and a world of singers! 5:30 pm Dress rehearsal is finished. 20 minutes to grab a bite to eat, then change, and be on stage by 7pm! 7:30 pm The concert beings, finishing with Beethoven's 9th Symphony "Choral" as the finale! What a way to end a fabulous year of music making!!!!! 9:15 pm We say our goodbyes to the other choirs and it is off to dinner at Belgo Centraal, a Belgian restaurant. We sit, we eat, we laugh (and we sang...what else should be expected???!!!) to the hotel to pack! This has truly been a trip of a lifetime!!!!
Choir Post 7 - Billy Elliott and The London Eye
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Wednesday, July 3rd Today we had a little bit of time to relax (very little, but still some). 9:15 AM It was out and about this morning. First stop - the London Eye! What was the largest wheel in the world, this giant ride was a great way to view London from above, with all us in one pod! You could tell it was ours with all of the camera flashes! The view, even with clouds and some rain, was breath taking. After the London Eye, it was time for a final chance to explore and enjoy all London has to offer! Students experienced the 4D experience on the south docks, finished some final souvonier shopping, and made a mad dash to many of the sites they were still wanting to see. They included the home of George Frederic Handel, Charles Dickens, the Sherlock Holmes Museum, tours of Westminster Abbey, and much, much more. 4:15 pm After some lunch we made our way back to the hotel to change for our West End Show experience...all dressed up...
Choir Post 6 - First Performance!
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Tuesday, July 2nd Wow, what a wonderful day it has been. A bit stressful at the outset, but absolutely amazing when completed! 7:00 AM Wake-up! It's performance day! Unfortunately, we do not have alarm clocks in the room and the hotel didn't call one of the rooms for the wake-up call, so 2 people got a rather sudden awakening as near to the time we were supposed to leave for rehearsal. Not their fault, but we all made it was all good! 9:30 AM Second mass-choir! A full run of Beethoven's 9th Symphony, and all six of the other mass choir pieces. It is all sounding phenomenal! I can't believe we perform this all in just 2 more days!!! 12:30 PM Finished with rehearsal...and amazing experience. Now on to lunch! 2:00 PM A visit to St. Paul's Cathedral! It is magnificent. The beauty of this cathedral is just breath taking. Many of us climbed the 500 stairs up to the dome...
LBCC Lebanon Center ABE/GED Free Orientation
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A free two-day orientation for the LBCC Adult Basic Education - General Education Diploma (GED) class will be offered at Linn-Benton Community College's Lebanon Center July 23 and 24. ABE-GED classes can help you prepare to pass your GED test and help improve your skills in reading, writing or math, which can help you to fill job requirements or prepare for college. The free orientation will be held from 9 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. at the Lebanon Center, 44 Industrial Way. You must attend both days of the orientation in order to register for the class. Cost to attend GED classes is $30. Scholarships may be available. Classes will meet on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. at the center. For more information, call the LBCC Lebanon Center at 541-259-5801.
LBCC Offers Pesticide Applicator Course in Spanish
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Do you have an employee who has studied hard but failed the Oregon Department ofAgriculture pesticide applicator license exam? Or who needs in-depth training in pesticide application and safety, or extra coaching in math and calibration skills needed for accurate applications? The Small Business Development Center at Linn-Benton Community College is offering a course designed to prepare your senior Spanish-speaking agriculture workers to take the State of Oregon Department of Agriculture pesticide applicator exam. This 10-hour course in Spanish will be held on Wednesday, July 18 and on Thursday, July 19 beginning at 8 a.m. in the LBCC Calapooia Center building, 2 nd floor, room CC-213, 6500 Pacific Blvd. SW, Albany. Cost for the course is $99 and includes all class materials. LBCC offers ODA exams at an additional cost of $58 each. For test dates, contact the Metro office at 1-877-533-2900. For more information or to register, contact LBCC Business an...
LBCC Professional Development Class Motivation Strategies In Healthcare
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The professional development class “Motivation Strategies In Healthcare” will be held Tuesday, July 24 from 8 a.m. to noon at the LBCC BentonCenter , room BC-105, 757 Polk Ave NW, Corvallis. Learn what it takes to create a successful work environment that helps motivate employees, including practical strategies for attaining high performance from employees. Cost for the course is $79 per person, or $69 each for three or more from one company. For more information or to register, contact the LBCCBusiness, Healthcare and Workforce Division at 541-917-4923.
Choir Post 5 - Exploring the Town
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Sunday, July 1 st Today was a day for everyone to explore and do the things on their “bucket lists.” Some went out to Stonehenge for part of the day. Others shopped and took in the many different sights of London. Several also went to see Shakespeare’s Henry V at the Globe Theater for just £5! The food, the diversity of the people, so many things to see and do! How can we even think of doing it all in a week! It’s clear many of these students have plans to come back! What a great way to show them what the world can offer them! 11:00 pm Bed checks! Tomorrow is our next rehearsal, a visit to St. Paul’s Cathedral, and our Solo performance! More to come!
Choir Post 4 - Rehearsals & Site Seeing
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Saturday, June 30 th 7:00 am We are all awake for breakfast, packing the bags for the day (music, water, etc) and off to rehearsal. 9:00 am We are introduced to Maestro Eric Knapp who is directing the worldwide mass choir. We are put into sections with the other choirs and rehearsal begins at St. Andrew Holborn Church. What a beautiful church! After rehearsal, the Maestro informed Professor Reddan of how impressed he was with the LBCC Re-Choired Element’s preparation of the music, sound, and positive attitudes. He also was happy that we asked to stand (sitting during rehearsal was a bit different from our normal standing for several hours) and was pleased with that. He informed us he will be coming to our solo concert on Monday! What a great way to start this concert week! 12:30 am We are of to the South Bank of the River Thames near the Globe Theater. Lunch and sight seeing. ...
Choir Post 3- London!
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Friday, June 29 th 7:30 am We have landed…we are here! And the line to clear customs is LONG! However, it is moving fast. By 9:30 am we had all cleared immigration/passport control, collected our baggage and met our guide Birgit at the hotel. We loaded onto the bus with another small group of singers and off we go. 10:00 am We met our tour guide for the day as we travel around the city. We saw Big Ben and Parliament, Westminster Abbey, many of the Museums, Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace (also the Diamond Jubilee has just started!), lunch at Covent Garden…and we have yet to really sleep! 3:00 pm We checked into the hotel…the IBIS Docklands Hotel on London’s east side. Nice hotel. Everyone is getting some rest and the off for some free-time this evening (if they don’t all pass out…which many might). A lot of choices for dinner. A group wanted some help navigating the tube and kid...
Choir Post 2- Landing in Toronto
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Thursday, June 28 th 3:35pm we landed in Toronto. We are all exhausted, but in great spirits. We cleared Canadian customs and passport control. Now to get some food, check the internet, and board our flight to London! 5:45pm We begin boarding the flight. Everyone’s on, but there is a mechanical issue with the plane. After about an hour delay, we are on our way. Take-off. In just 7 hours we will be across the pond! Dinner, movies, and more. Intermittent sleep, but it’s all worth it! We are all so excited!
Choir's First Day Post from London
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Wednesday, June 27 th Today has been busy. We had our final rehearsal today for our Olympic Journey. Rehearsal finished just after noon and now everyone has left to go finish packing. We met at 11:45pm in front of Takena Hall. All aboard the bus...the journey to London, UK and the 2012 Summer Olympic Festivities has begun! The five-hour bus ride to Seattle was a bit grueling. At first, we all fell asleep, then once we hit the bumpy roads of Takena we were all awake!!! \ We arrived at SEA-TAC, our bus driver told us he was glad we all made it (it was the first time he had ever driven there!). We checked in for the 8:00 am Air Canada Flight 540 to Toronto and then connecting to AC 856 to London Heathrow at 6:30pm. Two of the students took their first trip on a plane! What a way to make your first airplane trip! One student even called out… “We’re on our way to London”…as the choir cheer...
LBCC Announces New Linn Centers Regional Director
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Gary Price has been named regional director of Linn-Benton Community College Linn Centers, succeeding Dawn McNannay, who retired June 30. The 56-year-old Price, an Albany resident, has served as associate dean for the Business Healthcare, and Workforce Division at the college since 2009. He also served as the director of Business and Employer Services. He has been employed at the college since 2000. Price holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado and a master’s of education degree from the University of Northern Colorado. As Regional Director, Price will be responsible for the planning, development, supervision and evaluation of the college’s Linn County centers in Lebanon and Sweet Home. He starts his new position July 2.