1971 Baseball Team Inducted into NWAACC Hall of Fame

Linn-Benton Community College announced the induction of the 1971 LBCC Men’s Baseball team into the Northwest Athletic Association of Community College’s Hall of Fame.

The college also announced the recognition by NWAACC of staff member Teresa Thomas and former staff member Edwin Watson for Outstanding Service to the college athletic program.

The awards will be given at NWAACC's 24th Annual Hall of Fame Banquet held June 2 in Vancouver, Washington. The event honors this year's class of Hall of Fame inductees, Outstanding Service Awards, coaches and administrators.

Coached by former staff member Dick McClain, in the team's first season of intercollegiate play, 17 players were molded into a winning team, winning more than 30 games and capturing the Southern Division Oregon Community Athletic Association League Championship title.

Hired in 1980 by McClain, Teresa Thomas has provided invaluable support to coaches and student-athletes for more than 30 years. Thomas has served as LBCC’s Women’s Athletic Commissioner, participated in fund raising activities and promoted LBCC’s athletic program within the community. She was also the NWAACC’s secretary while it was housed here on campus.

Edwin Watson, former LBCC vice president of Academic Affairs, retired in 2006 after more than 36 years in education. Watson has been an instrumental part of LBCC since 1993, serving as dean of the Liberal Arts and Human Performance Athletics Division. He directed, supervised and led the LBCC Athletic program for more than 13 years. Before coming to LBCC, Watson was a teacher and coach, including two years at South Albany High School.

NWAACC is the governing body for the community college athletics in Washington and Oregon. The NWAACC's mission is to foster athletic participation in an environment that supports equitable opportunities for students consistent with the educational objectives of member colleges.

(photo: Ed Watson, left, former team coach Dick McClain, center, and Teresa Thomas, right)


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