LBCC Awarded $616,800 from the National Science Foundation for STEM Scholarships

The National Science Foundation has awarded Linn-Benton Community College $616,800 for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics student scholarships.

LBCC’s award-winning project, entitled "Promoting Retention and Completion with STEM Research and Design Cohorts at Linn-Benton Community College," was submitted to the NSF by Greg Mulder and Marci Moling, LBCC physical sciences faculty, David Kidd, civil engineering faculty, Parker Swanson, computer sciences faculty, and Andrew Feldman, dean of LBCC Science, Engineering and Mathematics division.

The S-STEM grant will provide approximately 20 students per year with $5,000 scholarships over a period of five years.

Scholarships will be awarded to LBCC STEM majors with financial need. Students majoring in chemistry, physics, geology, engineering, math, computer science and biology are eligible.

Scholarship applicant selection will be based upon high school or college GPA and unmet financial need as determined by the student’s FAFSA. The college will announce application deadlines and requirements within the coming weeks, with the first scholarships to be awarded winter term 2016.

Student scholars will engage in a research experience through participation in one of several LBCC Research and Development Cohorts consisting of at least two faculty members leading 12 to 18 students each year.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) supports research, innovation, and discovery that provides the foundation for economic growth in our country. By advancing the frontiers of science and engineering, our nation can develop the knowledge and cutting edge technologies needed to address the challenges we face today and will face in the future.

Project abstracts can be viewed at the NSF Award Abstracts database at 


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