LBCC Offers Remodeling Your Home Series

“Remodeling Your Home Series” will be offered through LBCC Albany Community Education on Saturdays beginning Jan. 28.

Learn about the process of designing and building your remodeling project, as well as the methods and benefits of green remodeling. Bring your project ideas, sketches and magazine clippings for discussion.

Classes can be taken as a series or individually. The first class in the series will be “Designing it Well” on Saturday, Jan. 28. The second class will be “Building it Right” on Saturday, Feb. 4; and the third class in the series will be “Green Remodeling” on Saturday, Feb. 11.

All classes will meet from 9 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. in the LBCC North Santiam Hall building, room NSH-110, 6500 Pacific Blvd. SW, Albany. Cost for the three-class series is $39 with a $2 lab fee. If you would like to take one or two classes, the cost for each class is $29 with a $2 lab fee.

For more in formation, contact LBCC Albany Community Education at 541-917-4840, or check the online schedule at and click on WebRunner schedule of classes.


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