Insider Staff News

Textbook Affordability Efforts Reach Over $2.1 million mark
Faculty efforts around textbook affordability has reached an all-time high -saving our students up to $1,051,924 in 2017 and up to $2,106,405 since the Open Educational Resources initiative began in winter term 2015, providing greater access, opportunity and learning to our students. For more information on Open Educational Resources and textbook affordability efforts, contact OER Librarian Michaela Willi Hooper.

New Veterans Farm on Campus Aims to Connect Veterans
Lisa Akers

Inclusiveness is one of LBCC’s core values, and one great example of inclusiveness is the new Veterans Farm on campus, made possible through the efforts of Navy veteran Lisa Akers and the Home Depot. Working with the Oregon Paralyzed Veterans of America, which secures grant funding for veteran-related projects, the Home Depot donated $14,500 in building materials and provided many hours of volunteer labor to help build eight raised beds, a green house and a garden shed on a 60 by 100-foot plot of land behind the Luckiamute building. The farm is under auspices of the horticulture department, with instructional specialist Miriam Edell serving as liaison between Akres and the college over the next two years. LBCC has anywhere from 300 to 500 veterans enrolled at any given time. Akers, who finished her Earth Science degree at OSU and is auditing classes in the LBCC small farms program, hopes the farm will help veterans connect with each other, with civilian life and with possibilities for their future.

LB iLearn Developing Non-credit Courses for Job Readiness
LB iLearn is in the process of developing a series of non-credit offerings centered around job readiness. Working with community partners such as WorkSource Oregon, Department of Human Services and Community Services Consortium, iLearn director Stacy Mallory and her team are building “mix and match” modules that provide customizable, online training for a particular skill set without having to enroll in a full program. Each module will have about an hour of content, covering topics such as basic computer skills, Word, Excel, Google Docs, as well as composing emails and memos for the business environment. Plans are to create about two dozen modules relating to office technology, employability training and soft skills.

International Flags in Takena Hall
A series of 22 international flags representing the countries of origin for our international students currently attending fall term are on display in Takena Hall, courtesy of the Global Connections Club and the Council of Clubs. Global Connections plans to add flags representing students from other countries as they arrive at our college each term.

Faculty Greg Mulder & High School Partnerships host 30 High School Students
Greg Mulder works with Newport High students.

LBCC High School Partnerships and Physics faculty member Greg Mulder teamed-up to bring 30 Newport High School students to LBCC for an overnight Physics 131 camp October 26 and 27.  The students toured campus, learned about college pathways, and gained skills working on group projects using arduinos, soldiering, wiring, programming and microcontrollers. Excellence in action.

HR Recruiter Elizabeth Pakravan Speaks at Federal Correctional Facility
Elizabeth Pakravan, Human Resources employment outreach and recruitment specialist, was a guest speaker at the Federal Correctional Institution, Sheridan AEC-Hispanic affairs program. Elizabeth was invited to "share her story" with approximately 65 corrections staff attending the event and a few inmates, as part of National Hispanic Heritage Month. Serving as a great example of opportunity and learning, the correctional institution appreciated LBCC’s support in this event, believing that higher education plays a significant role in people's lives no matter their condition and age.

Awards & Recognitions

President Hamann Honored with first Chair's Award
Excellence in leadership was recognized recently when President Greg Hamann was selected to be the first recipient of the “Chair’s Award” from the Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments’ Board of Directors. Greg was nominated by City of Albany Mayor and COG board chair Sharon Konopa for his outstanding service to our region, including his commitment to student success, advocacy for education, and his work at local, state and national levels to reduce barriers, increase access and support student completion. Also cited was Greg’s leadership with community engagement and community development.

Retirement Party for 40-Year Staff Member Teresa Patterson
Teresa Patterson
A retirement party will be held Dec. 14 from 1 to 2 p.m. in the boardroom for long-time staff member Teresa Patterson, who retired last May, and is finishing up part-time work this month - the first employee to retire with 40 years at the college. Teresa started work as part-time, non-contract in the registration office when she was 16, working through her junior and senior year at South Albany High School. After graduating, she started working full-time in Registration, a job she held for 20 years before moving to Information Services as an IT Specialist. Her coworkers call her the “Banner Queen,” since she was part of the original team that helped bring Banner online. Happy retirement, Teresa, and thank you for your service!

Nursing Faculty Sheryl Caddy Appointed as Education Representative
Nursing faculty Sheryl Caddy was appointed by Oregon Governor Kate Brown and confirmed by the State Senate to be the education representative to the Oregon State Board of Nursing, another great example of excellence in leadership at LBCC.

Marketing Department Wins Gold, Silver at NCMPR Conference
The College Advancement Marketing department won two awards from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations at the District 7 conference held in October. Joe Sherlock’s computer generated illustration of the campus map – featured on the back of the Commuter on Welcome Day as well as other places - won a silver award, and M’Liss Runyon’s design of the large theater and music posters hanging outside the Performing Arts classroom in SSH-213, won gold. Congratulations!

Donations Provide 157 Thanksgiving Food Boxes
Thanks to the generous donations from our LBCC community, the Thanksgiving Food Drive was able to provide 157 boxes, $15 gift cards for each box and 36 turkeys to those in need. The Food Drive Committee raised over $6,000 this year, with the campus community giving over $5,000, Student Government contributing $1,200 in food and gift cards, Bunco earnings of $95, and $965 raised at the Willamette Speedway fund raiser. Thank you!

Values Shout Out: Highlighting People & LBCC Values
Dan Segel, left, and Coach Ryan Gipson
Over the next few issues, the VICE Council will highlight people at the college whose work expresses our college values. This month's contributor is Dale Stowell: On the values of excellence and engagement - LBCC Foundation Board member Dan Segel and Roadrunner baseball coach Ryan Gipson conducted a successful fundraising campaign to install field turf on the infield of the baseball field, making LBCC just one of two schools in the NWAAC with such a facility. Field turf makes it possible to practice even when it has been raining. They were joined by dozens of donors to raise more than $70,000. Great work!

Opportunity, Excellence, Inclusiveness, Learning, Engagement

Published by: LBCC Advancement Marketing Office
Lori Fluge-Brunker


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