Free Parenting Workshop “No-Drama Discipline”

Child development specialist Dr. Tina Bryson will hold a free parenting workshop “No-Drama Discipline” Monday, May 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the Corvallis High School Main Stage Theater, 1400 NW Buchanan Ave.

Bryson uses stories, compassion and humor to provide solutions for your child’s tantrums, tensions and tears. Learn how to discipline in an effective and loving way, how to communicate effectively with your child, and how to connect with your child through clear and consistent limits.

The workshop, held during Oregon Parenting Education Week, will focus on providing strategies to help parents identify discipline philosophies and master the best methods to communicate.

Learn the facts on child brain development, what kind of discipline is most appropriate at all ages and stages, tips for navigating your children through the storm, common discipline mistakes, and how to stay focused on the whole-brain parenting techniques.

Bryson is a psychotherapist who conducts workshops for parents, educators and clinicians worldwide. She has written for numerous publications including Time, Huffington Post, and Redbook, and is the co-author of “The Whole Brain Child” and “No-Drama Discipline,” co-authored with Daniel Siegel.

Free childcare provided. Advance sign-up required by calling 541-917-4899 by 5 p.m. Thursday, May 7.  Spanish interpretation is available for this event.

Oregon Parenting Education Week runs May 11-15.  Bryson will be the keynote speaker at the Oregon Parenting Educators’ Conference held at OSU May 11.

Sponsored by LBCC, the Parenting Success Network and Corvallis School District, with major support from the Mullins Healthy Children’s Fund. For more information, contact LBCC Parenting Education at 541-917-4899.


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