LBCC Benton Center Slide Show on PTC Hike

Alsie and Mary Campbell on the PCT near Crater Lake.

Mary Campbell will hold a free slide show and lecture on her recent Pacific Crest Trail hike Thursday, Nov. 1 from noon to 1 p.m. at the center, room BC-205, 757 NW Polk Ave, Corvallis.

Campbell, a LBCC math instructor, and her eighty-year-old mother-in-law, Alsie Campbell, hiked the Oregon portion of the Pacific Coast Trail this summer as a fundraiser for the Greenbelt Land Trust, which works to protect open spaces in local communities.

Trekking the distance between the California/Oregon border and Bridge of the Gods on the Columbia River, the hike took them approximately two months to complete.

The slide show is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the LBCC Benton Center at 541-757-8944.


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