LBCC Student Newspaper Wins ONPA Awards

May 13, 2010
Contact: LBCC College Advancement, 541-917-4410

The Commuter, Linn-Benton Community College’s student newspaper, landed 15 awards at the annual Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association Collegiate Newspaper Contest held May 7 at the college.

The Commuter won three first-place and eight second-place awards. First place awards went to Maya Lazaro for best feature story, Justin Bolger for best editorial, and Maggie O’Reilly for best graphic.

Second place awards went to Maya Lazaro for best feature story; Erik Bender for best sports story; Mason Britton for best cartooning; and Ashley Christie for best review and best house ad. The Commuter staff also won second in the categories of best headline writing, best series, and best design.

Honorable mentions went to Max Brown, Commuter editor, for best news story and best feature photo, Erik Bender for best sports story, and the Commuter staff for best section.

The event included 21 Oregon colleges submitting 640 entries in 21 different categories. Entries in each category were judged in three divisions: four-year college or university daily newspapers, four-year college or university non-daily newspapers, and two- year college non-daily newspapers. The Commuter is a two-year college non-daily newspaper.

ONPA judges awarded a total of 139 awards, including 63 first-place, 61 second-place, and 36 honorable mention awards. A complete list of these awards, including images of the winning entries, can be found on the ONPA web site at

Portland based ONPA, founded in 1887, hosts the annual awards for those Oregon colleges that are members of Oregon Collegiate Press.


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