LBCC NSH Gallery Juried Art Student Exhibit

May 5, 2010
Contact: NSH Gallery, 541-917-4237

Fourteen students received awards at Linn-Benton Community College’s annual Juried Art Student Exhibit at a reception held Wednesday, May 5 in the college’s North Santiam Hall Gallery.

Naoko Machida of Corvallis was awarded Best of Show for her cut-paper work “Ugly Duckling” by juror Miriam Alexis Jordan, executive assistant for the University of Oregon Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. Machida also received the Corvallis Fall Festival Fine Arts Showcase Award for her oil painting “Peony.”

Jordan also bestowed Juror’s Choice Awards to Will Donaldson of Corvallis for his pastel “The Night is Always Darkest Before the Dawn,” and Jawan Venable of Lebanon for his pastel “Untitled.”

Other award winners were:
•Donna Beckstead of Scio, the Carol Schaafsma Award of Merit in Painting and the Art Media Award for best overall body of work.
•Miriam Morrissette of Corvallis, the Carol Schaafsma Award of Merit in Drawing.
•Kusra Kapuler of Corvallis, the Carol Schaafsma Award of Merit in Sculpture.
•Janey Bevill of Albany, the Carol Schaafsma Award of Merit in Photography.
•Timothy Byram of Philomath, the President’s Purchase Award.
•Jessica Bonnett of Corvallis, the Creative Crafts Award.
•Lynda Farmer of Corvallis, the Hester Coucke Award and the Santiam Restaurant Food For Art Award.
•Rick Lorraine of Corvallis and Abigail Lundberg of Lebanon, LBCC Bookstore Freedom of Expression Awards.
•Angela Ritt of Corvallis, the Oregon Camera Award in Photography.
•Jessica Severance of Albany, the Willamette Valley PhotoArts Guild Award.
•Rinee Merritt of Albany, the Art Faculty Award of Merit.
•Timothy Byram of Philomath, the People’s Choice Award.

More than 60 works by 37 student artists are on view in the exhibit on both floors of the NSH Gallery on LBCC’s Albany campus, 6500 SW Pacific Blvd. The gallery is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Contributed photos, LBCC College Advancement:

NaokoMichida.jpg: Naoko Machida, right, with University of Oregon Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art Assistant Director Miriam Jordan next to Machida’s cut-paper art piece titled “Ugly Duckling.”

TimythyByram.Kuei Mei3.jpg: Timothy Byram won the President’s Purchase Award and the People’s Choice Award with his spray paint on plywood piece titled “Kuei Mei 3.”


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