Insider Staff News

The college’s year-seven accreditation evaluation is complete, and the accreditation team shared their commendations and recommendations from their site visit (the full report should be out by end of January):
1. The faculty and staff's commitment to student success!
2. MAC's work on course level outcomes
3. The progress with OERs
4. LBCC Board of Education's active engagement in using data to make decisions
5. The creation and use of our Strategic Initiate Funds
6. Our strong engagement with external partners 
Recommendations (what we need to work on)
1. Learning outcome at the program level that tie to our core themes and mission
2. Review and update the report cards that track our progress on our core themes
3. Create an integrated, systematic planning effort that is clear for our campus to understand

The Family Resource and Education Center was one of two Oregon programs chosen to present at
Left to right: Jerri Wolfe, Kris Wessel and Kristi May. 
the national Early Childhood Funders Collaborative meeting, which included representatives from 21 foundations including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Kresge Foundation, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. LBCC Family Resource and Education Center staff Kristi May, Early Learning Hub manager, faculty Jerri Wolfe, Parenting Education and Family Connections chair, and Kris Wessel, project manager for a new initiative called the Pollywog Project, presented the programs regional work to bring the Parenting Education Hub, Early Learning Hub and the Coordinated Care Organization in Linn, Benton and Lincoln Counties together to improve outcomes for young children.
Mechatronics faculty Dave Mack explains solar panel project
to high school students during Manufacturing Day.

LBCC, the Pipeline to Jobs project, the Albany Chamber of Commerce and local industry leaders hosted 218 high school students for the 3rd annual National Manufacture Day held October 7. Faculty in Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), Machine Tool, Mechatronics, Non-Destructive Test and Evaluation, and Welding gave tours and spoke about their programs, and OFD President (formally Oregon Freeze Dry) and college Board of Education chair Jim Merryman spoke about local job opportunities. Workforce Development Director Josefine Fleetwood organized the event, with support from Dale Moon, LBCC director of Regional Perkins Program and college staff.

Amy Sikora, left, and Jane Tillman.
Amy Sikora, Assistant Director for Enrollment Progression and Technology, and Jane Tillman, Student Affairs Specialist, presented a webinar titled "Championing Change: Drive Superior Student Services through e-Forms.” The webinar, sponsored by University Business in conjunction with Laserfiche, took approximately 60 viewers through how Admissions and Registration changed its transcript evaluation process from an old, clunky model to a seamless single vendor model. The change reduced transcript evaluation time from an average turnaround of six to eight weeks to one week or less, and created a seamless and secure process that vastly improved communications between staff and students. Due to the success of the webinar, Amy and Jane will present the same topic at the annual Laserfiche User's conference in February. 

The college would like to acknowledge the work of the Arts and Aesthetics Resources Team (AART) and chair M’Liss Runyon to make our campus a more inspiring and colorful place. AART's recent work included overseeing the completion of the athletics mural on the Activities Center building, a huge project that was the brainchild of M’Liss and took four months to complete. In addition, the college would like to thank former math faculty member and college supporter Bill Siebler, who was instrumental in connecting AART with mural artist Rip Cronk, and Andrew Feldman, dean of Science, Engineering and Math division, who found the resources on campus to fund the project. Great teamwork!

LB iLearn Online had its biggest month yet in September with 22 new starts, the biggest number of new students since January. iLearn has 88 students currently enrolled, with over 130 students served since its launch in 2015.

The Insider published by: LBCC Advancement Office
Writer/Editor: Lori Fluge-Brunker, Communications Specialist
LBCC Advancement Marketing Office


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