Albany Community Education variety of classes held winter term

COMPUTER APPLICATIONS                                                                      

Social media now makes it easier than ever to market your business and expand your network online.  In this class for businesses, you will learn how to leverage Facebook, LinkedIn, and other online tools. Build a strategy that saves time, expand your reach to the "best customers" and learn the do's and don'ts of business etiquette online. Held in computer lab. Basic computer skills required. Three-week class meets Wednesdays from 6 to 7:50 p.m. beginning Jan. 14 in LBCC McKenzie Hall, 6500 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany. Cost is $59.

ENHANCE YOUR DIGITAL SLR CAMERA                                                                                       
Have fun creatively using your new or older, underutilized digital SLR.  Maximize your camera's features beyond full auto setting to get the affects you desire.  Get feedback as you learn the basics, and practice controlling exposure, stopping action, portraiture, landscape, and HDR (High Dynamic Range), using depth of field to your advantage. Work with Photoshop Elements for photo editing and enhancement.  Bring your camera and manual, your favorite lenses, fully charged battery, transfer cable and media card to class. Five-week class meets Wednesdays from 6 to 8:20 p.m. starting Feb. 18 in LBCC McKenzie Hall, 6500 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany. Cost is $69.

SECRETS OF SAUCE                                                                                                 
Have you ever had an incredible sauce while eating out and wished that you could replicate it at home?  Sauces are the foundation of the culinary world and can elevate plain food to greatness. Learn to make a variety of sauces, including butter sauces, wine sauces, tomato sauces, hollandaise, gravies, cream sauces, sauces thickened with roux, and more. Class meets Saturday, Feb. 28 from 9 a.m. to 1:50 p.m. in the Calapooia Center, 6500 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany. Cost is $49. Register by contacting LBCC Albany Community Education at 541-917-4840.

HOME & GARDEN                                                                              

GARDENING IN THE PNW                                                                                                  
A free Gardening in the Pacific Northwest lecture series. Spend your noon hour sharpening your gardening skills and learning new techniques. Covers a wide variety of subjects of interest to the home gardener. A different topic is covered each week with ample opportunity for questions. Topics include fermentation, propagation, spring planting, new plants, budget-gardening, garden maintenance and more. Most classes are taught by certified OSU Certified Master Gardeners. Series meets Wednesdays from 12 to 12:50 p.m. at the Albany Public Library, 2450 14th Avenue.


TRIATHLON TRAINING CLINIC                                                                                                  
Jumpstart or accelerate your triathlon experience. This starter clinic will help you improve your technique and offer strategies to streamline your swim, boost your biking ability, run efficiently, and transition smoothly, all while meeting your nutrition and hydration needs. Learn about safety, sighting, gear, planning, realistic goal setting and more. Basic swimming, biking and running skills needed to participate. This two-day clinic meets Friday, Feb. 6 from 7:30 to 9:20 p.m. at Albany Community Pool and Saturday, Feb. 7 from 9 a.m. to 3:50 p.m. in LBCC Takena Hall, 6500 SW Pacific Blvd, Albany. Cost is $69.                                                                   

Registration packets are available online at and all centers one week prior to registration.  This ODOT approved program includes mandated 30 hours classroom instruction, parent/student orientation at first meeting, plus 12 hours on the road (6 hours behind-the-wheel and 6 hours driver observation).
Check our online schedule for class offerings or call 541-917-4849 with questions.                                                                                                               


MEMOIR WRITING                                                                                        
Learn to tell your stories so future readers can visualize and feel your experiences. Memory-jogging exercises spark your recall. Exercises help you clarify your memory and encourage self-critiquing skills. Learn to interview and elicit stories from others. Class meets Fridays from 10 to 11:50 a.m. beginning Jan. 9 at the Albany Senior Center, 489 Water Avenue NW. Cost is $65.       

For more information or to register, see the LBCC online schedule at or call the LBCC Albany Community Education at 541-917-4840.


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