LBCC Inservice Award Recognitions, April 20, 2016

Distinguished Staff, Pastega Excellence, Outstanding Part-time Faculty and staff service award winners were recognized at the college Inservice Day held April 12.

“Inspiring us to continue to do great work.”

The Distinguished Staff Award was presented to Mark Weiss, Career and Counseling Center faculty member. Mark began work at the college in 1981, serving as part-time, non-contracted faculty in Parenting Education through 1982. He was re-hired as a part-time counselor in 1989, and became full-time in 1990, providing career counseling, crisis counseling and consulting with the college's child care center. Mark has served as president of the college Faculty Association and chair of Academic Affairs, and as president of two professional organizations: The Oregon University and College Counseling Association, and the Oregon Career Development Association. Mark was recognized for his dedication to students, helping to remove barriers and create paths for students to succeed academically, and in their careers and lives. He was lauded for his inspired leadership and mentorship to faculty and staff, and for his advocacy to find solutions for public health issues. Mark is retiring from the college in June.

Distinguished Staff award winner Mark Weiss.

The Pastega Faculty Excellence Award was awarded to Roger Maurer, LBCC mathematics faculty member. Roger began at the college in 1988, serving his first three years as a part-time non-contracted math instructor and a part-time classified instructional assistant at the math help desk. He became a full-time contracted math faculty member in 1991.  Roger was recognized for his selfless service to the college and his students, and for serving as a model of how to keep the focus on service to our students and our community. Roger was also recognized for having served on countless committees, often on his own time.

Pastega Faculty Excellence award winner Roger Maurer.

The Pastega Classified Excellence Award was awarded to Vickie Keith, administrative assistant for LBCC Student Services. Vickie was hired in 1999 as a liaison for HP Education Services. She also served as an assistant in the college’s Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence. Vickie was recognized for her excellence in helping students succeed and for providing excellent support to students and staff. She has served on several college committees over the years, including on the Classified Association and on the LBCC Relay for Life team.  A nominee wrote of Vickie: “Every single person who comes to her leaves with a smile on their face, even if they come in with a frown.”

Pastega Classified Excellence award winner Vickie Keith.
Outstanding Part-time Faculty Awards: Eight part-time faculty were nominated as outstanding in their field from their area of the college. They are:
  • Andrew Vosgien, SEM - Math
  • Mary Borman, SEM - Math
  • Tony Farque, Community Ed/Sweet Home
  • Bond Martin, Academic Foundations/Developmental Studies
  • Jonathan Pedersen, IS, Web Architect
  • Ahmad Rajabzadeh, SEM - Physical Science
  • Subbappa Ribeiro, SEM - HHP
  • Levi Fredrikson, SEM - Agricultural Sciences
The Outstanding Part-time Faculty Excellence Award was presented to Anne Timm, Spanish Foreign Language faculty member. The award recognizes one part-faculty member who exemplifies excellence in their field. Anne was recognized for her passion for her students and her approachable and organized instruction, and for her willingness to take on challenging assignments that improve course completion. Anne’s name will be engraved in a paver stone, which will be placed in the Foundation Paver Patio by the Calapooia Center. Congratulations!

Outstanding Part-time Faculty Excellence award
winner Anne Timm.

Employee Service Awards: 2015–2016

5 Year Awards

Art Belanger
Eric Bryant
David Carroll
Leslie Hammond
Jaxson Holmes
Amanda Kliever
Charlene LaRoux
Chris Riseley
Sheri Rogers
Scott Rolen
Dan Stone
Mark Urista

10 Year Awards

Kim DammonBrian Keady
Kimberly Kopplien
David Mack
Donna Mainord
Paula Merino
Dale Moon
M’Liss Runyon

15 Year Awards

Gwen Cox
Cindy Falk
Jayme Frazier
Ali Gray
John Niedermann
Lin Olson
Carol Raymundo
Parker Swanson
Chareane Wimbley-Gouveia
Jerri Wolfe

20 Year Awards

Russ Burchard
Mick Clark
Richard Gibbs
Kevin Krefft
Sue Kuntz
Debbie Lohse
Marcene Olson

25 Year Awards

Beth Graham
David Kidd
Janet Lodge
George VanKeulen

30 Year Award - Kathy Withrow

Kathy Withrow

26 Years
Brad Carman
Annette Easdale
Jan Fraser-Hevlin
Rick Klampe
Kevin Lacey
Liz Pearce
Joe Sherlock
Vern Smith
Mark Weiss

27 Years
Kathy Body
Jack Giles
Roger Maurer
John Sweet

28 Years
Linda Dompier
Anne Green
Vern Jackson
Lorrie Peterson
Teresa Woods

29 Years
Margi Dusek
Janet Jackson

31 Years
Angie Klampe

32 Years
Patty Petzel

34 Years
Polly Hainz
Russ Rinker

36 Years
Ron Sharman

38 Years
Teresa Patterson

A bit about our awards: The Distinguished Staff Award was established in 1980 to recognize employees for their contribution of both time and energy to the college. Nominees must have completed 10 years of continuous employment with LBCC. The Pastega awards, established in 2000 by the Mario Pastega Foundation, honor faculty members and classified staff for their outstanding contributions to the LBCC community. Winners receive a $1,000 honorarium. The Part-time Faculty Excellence Award was established in 2015, with the winner receiving a paver stone to be placed in the Foundation Paver Patio by the Calapooia Center. Winner is selected by the Academic Affairs Council.

Insider published by: LBCC College Advancement Marketing Office
Writer/Editor: Lori Fluge-Brunker, Communications Specialist, College Advancement 


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