LBCC ROV Team Qualifies for International Competition

The Linn-Benton Community College ROV team has qualified for the third consecutive year to compete in the 2010 Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Remotely Operated Vehicle international competition held at the University of Hawaii June 24–26.

LBCC’s ROV, the "Nautical Observer of Volcanic Activity (NOVA)," qualified at the Oregon regional ROV competition held at Portland State University in April. The NOVA is an explorer class ROV designed to perform the full series of underwater challenges created by MATE based around the exploration of the undersea Loihi seamount.

Approximately 20 LBCC students helped construct the NOVA. Team members include Julia Morrison, Mark Overholser, Keith Smee, Louann Van Beek, Jesse Lowther, Michael Tilse, Justin McLeod, Ben Dean, Nicholas Cantrell, Raven Dorr, Justin Hussey, Mike Hussey, Ivan Merlin, Mike Ortiz, Daniel Roberts, Matt Seiditz, and Savannah Van Beek.

According to LBCC club advisor and physics instructor Greg Mulder, the team spent most of fall term creating a lab which features a homemade CNC machine used to make parts and etch circuit boards, a drill press, and space that the team modified to be a safe and effective workspace.

Besides designing, constructing, and competing with the ROV, each summer the team provides outreach activities in science and technology for at-risk high school students throughout Oregon, exploring high mountain volcanic lakes.

The MATE international competition’s theme is “ROVs in Treacherous Terrain: Science Erupts on Loihi, Hawaii’s Undersea Volcano.” For more information on the international competition, visit online at

Several local businesses and industry-donated equipment or sold parts at cost to the ROV team to help fund the project including Hewlett-Packard; Tektronix; PNI Corporation; Bellofram Corporation; Parallax Inc.; Lights, Camera, Action; SeaBotix; Burcham’s Metals; United Pipe; and Hytek Plastics.

Logistical support and equipment loans for the team came from the Oregon Underwater and Volcanic Exploration Team, the Oregon Consortium and Workforce Alliance and Oregon State University.


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