Insider College News

New home for Mechatronics Program nearing completion
Renovation of the middle bay of Industrial A for the expansion of the Mechatronics/Industrial Automation program is nearing completion. The new space will expand capacity for mechatronics, which has outgrown its original space in Industrial B. The Mechatronics program will move into Industrial A over spring break, which will allow for expansion of the Machine Tool program into the vacated space. Future plans include renovation of the industrial walkway/plaza area which is currently fenced and used as staging for the industrial programs. The plaza project will include removing fences, opening the walkway area, and creating green space with grass, outdoor seating and art work to provide a more a usable place for students and the community. Completion of the entire Industrial complex project is scheduled for summer/fall 2019.

LBCC textbook savings up this term from last winter term
LBCC faculty members' efforts to increase textbook affordability have saved students up to $382,233 in 2018 winter term. This is $82,909 more than the estimated savings for 2017 winter term. Since winter 2015, textbook affordability efforts have saved students up to $2,488,638 in course materials. Faculty continue to find many ways to lower textbook costs for students, including adopting open educational resources (OER), library ebooks and freely available web resources. LBCC supports these efforts through grants for the creation and adoption of OER and other free resources.

Joseph Novak Memorial Scholarship
A memorial scholarship has been established through the Foundation to honor long-time Board of Education member Joseph Novak, who passed away January 23. Joseph served on the college board for 25 years, from 1981 to 2006, serving three terms as Board Chair and working with four college presidents. In 2007, Joseph was recognized for his outstanding contributions to LBCC with the college’s Distinguished Service Award. He also received an honorary membership into Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society of Two-Year Colleges after being nominated by Student Life and Leadership. He consistently advocated to legislators for more state funding for community colleges. If you would like to contribute to the Joseph Novak Memorial Scholarship, contact the LBCC Foundation office at 541-917-4229.

Veterans Resource Coordinator hired to assist student veterans
Jaya Conser Lapham
Jaya Conser Lapham was hired to serve as the Veterans Resource Coordinator for LBCC student veterans. In this part-time position funding through an Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs grant, Jaya will help provide campus-based work opportunities for veterans and engage student veterans to develop career vision, exercise skills in resilience, and build a cohort of trust and integration of college resources. She will also collaborate with outside agencies to bring external resources to students, and will work to create veteran-centered career and resource events. Jaya has a master's degree in Public Health from OSU, a master's degree in International Studies from University of Washington, and a bachelor's degree in Anthropology with a minor in Chinese language from Oregon State University.

Middle School students create tile mosaic for biology department
Biology instructor Erin Chamberlin worked with art students at Memorial Middle School in Albany to create a biology-themed tile art mosaic for the Biology department. Hanging on the second floor next to the biology labs in White Oak Hall, the art project was a win-win for both students and LBCC, bringing science into the middle school student’s art class and art into our science halls. Thank you!


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