Parenting Ed Presentation “Stress at Home” May 22

A presentation on family stress and positive ways to handle it will be held at Linn-Benton Community College Monday, May 22 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Forum lecture hall, room F-104, 6500 SW Pacific Blvd., Albany.

Designed for parents and caregivers by Dr. Sarah Enos Watamura, “Stress at Home” provides information on sources of stress, how stress can affect health, and tips to how to handle stress and create a calmer home environment.

Dr. Watamura is a developmental psychologist with the University of Denver. Her research covers how young children manage stress and the consequences of stress on health and development.

The presentation is free, with a suggested donation of $5. Free childcare will be provided with reservations. Reserve your childcare space by calling 541-917-4899 by May 15. Space is limited.

Spanish interpretation will be available. For more information, contact LBCC Parenting Education at 541-917-4899. For special needs and accommodations, call 541‑917‑4789 or Oregon Relay TDD at 1‑800‑735‑2900 at least 72 hours in advance of the event.


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