LBCC Insider Staff News, Jan. 15, 2016

If you missed the President’s Winter Forum on Thursday, Jan. 14, President Hamann covered several interesting topics, including the rollout of a new college budget model, which will be presented at the Board meeting Jan. 20. The new model will provide information to the board on college needs, and then guidance on how to go about funding those needs - a slightly different approach from the current budget model. A solution to the Benton Center parking and expansion project will also be presented at the board meeting. The project is projected to provide an additional 268 much-needed parking spaces at the center, along with an additional 20,000-square-feet of instructional space. President Hamann also shared that at the end of this year the college will no longer be part of Achieving the Dream, but will move instead to the new Guided Pathways partnership, which includes 30 community colleges nationwide. The new partnership will provide support for initiatives already developed in part through ATD efforts, such as advising, Accelerated Learning Programs, and college pathways.

Jane Sandberg, Jane Tillman, Bruce Clemetsen, and Javier Cervantes landed a $675 grant from American College Personnel Association’s Coalition for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Awareness. The grant will be used to help develop awareness about transgender experiences through panel discussions, course materials, and student-led trainings to highlight transgender voices in our communities. 

Nominations are now open for Pastega Faculty and Pastega Classified Excellence awards, Distinguished Staff award and Distinguished Alumni award. Deadline to submit is Wednesday, Feb. 24 to the Foundation office, CC-105. All awards will be presented in April. Nomination forms and criteria available online or through the Foundation office. Pastega Awards and Distinguished Staff awards will be presented during In-service April 12. Distinguished Alumni Awards will be presented at the Scholarship Honors and Distinguished Alumni Reception on the evening of April 27, which is open to everyone.

Pastega & Distinguished Staff nomination forms:

Distinguished Alumni nomination


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