LBCC Student Authors Highlighted at Reading Event

Linn-Benton Community College writing instructor C. Lill Ahrens will host a reading of several LBCC student’s published works Thursday, Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. at Grass Roots Books and Music, 227 SW 2nd St, Corvallis.

Since first being offered in 2004, several students from LBCC’s Community Education class “Writers' Workroom” have seen their writing become award-winning published works.

LBCC student authors attending the reading are Jois Jean Bousquet, Lisa Burchett, Michael Coolen, Harry Demarest, Gary Gibson, Linda Elin Hamner, Ken Holt, Valerie Lake, Genny Lynch, Lois Rosen, Dee Roy, Patricia Smith, Nancy Weber and Dick Weinman.
Albany writer Lois Jean Bousquet writes fiction and nonfiction. Her essays have appeared in three anthologies, and her work in progress includes a mystery series whose protagonists are tenderly based on elders she’s known.

Lisa Burchett is a fierce cookie-aholic, working her way through her first novel, Redeemable, one chocolate chip at a time. Her piece, Beauty, was previously published in the September 2010 issue of The Sun Magazine.

Corvallis writer Michael Coolen performed his one-man show The Penile Colonies:  Living With XY Disorder, and has published music compositions, recordings, poems and essays. He is currently working on his memoirs, titled Consonance and Dissonance: the Life and Times of a Restless Musician.

Corvallis writer Harry Demarest retired in 2009, and has published a dozen stories on, and longer stories in Gold Man Review and Compassion and Choices.

Emmy-award winning writer Linda Elin Hamner spent 15 years writing for TV’s soaps before writing the comic novels Letters From Cleo and Tyrone and Boobs Over Hollywood. She is a popular public speaker and instructor, and her humorous essays have appeared in literary journals. She is now working on her memoir I Got Fired On Dopey Drive.

Corvallis writer Ken Holt is an author, poet, student of life and often a story catcher. He is WWotR Corvallis chair, enjoys the stillness of meditation, which inspires his writing and teaches him to live without judgment.

Genny Lynch writes about cats, middle aged dating, and the Donner Party. She’s been published in the anthology, The Spirit of Corvallis, and won the Oregon Writers Colony short story contest for nonfiction. Lynch also blogs at “Why I Write Humor.”

Lois Rosen's stories have appeared in journals including Calyx, The Jewish Women’s Literary Annual, VoiceCatcher, Alimentum, and The Night, the Rain, and the River.  She’s taught at Willamette University and Chemeketa Community College. Traprock Books published her poetry book, Pigeons, and Centrum published her fiction chapbook, Layer Cake.

Dee Roy has written several short stories, most of which are set in her native Willamette Valley.  “A Different Kind of Snake” won honorable mention in the 2011 Oregon Writers Colony short story contest and was published in the Little Patuxent Review in 2012.

Patricia Smith was raised Catholic in a working class family in Newark, New Jersey. Now living in Corvallis, Smith writes under the name Patricia Kovas-Smith. She believes truth is stranger than fiction and that there’s not enough humor in the world.

Dick Weinman has been a student in the Writer’s Workroom for several years. During that time, Dick has written his memoir, Two Different Worlds, and a memoirette, published in Chicken Soup for the Soul. He writes a bi-monthly blog for and has written an acclaimed video, Thin Edge of Dignity, about his life in an Assisted Living Facility.

For more information, contact LBCC Benton Center Community Education at 541-757-8944, ext. 5120.


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