NEW Class – Mountain Bike Mojo

A new mountain biking class, “Mountain Bike Mojo,” will be offered through Linn-Benton Community College Community Education Oct. 11 and 12.

This two-day clinic will provide the basic skills and techniques for participants to increase their enjoyment in the fast growing sport of mountain biking.

The new Alsea Falls "flow trail" is the training ground for this course. The program will include one day of basic bike handling skills, including body positioning and balance, braking, shifting and pedaling efficiency, climbing and descending, front and back wheel lifts, cornering, small drops, pumping and navigating trail obstacles.

The next morning, students will “get dirty” with a hands-on trail building courtesy of local IMBA chapter Team Dirt. In the afternoon, students will session various sections of trail to emphasize skills learned the first day.

Participants will acquire a sense of confidence and new physical skills to enhance their riding experience, while learning about the partnerships and effort necessary to sustain local trails and how to get involved in local stewardship and recreation opportunities.
Certified instructors from The Dirt Dojo, Matt McPharlin and Michelle Emmons, will teach the course.

McPharlin and Emmons currently provide programming for the Portland Parks & Recreation Teen Adventures Program, Northwest Trails Alliance, and Trips for Kids (Lane County Chapter).

Emmons has been a guest instructor for women’s clinics at The Lumberyard Indoor Mountain Bike Skills Park and manages women’s skills tours for Oregon Adventures. She is the owner and promoter for Cascade Cream Puff, a legendary 100-mile mountain bike race in Oakridge, Oregon and co-leads the organization for Kids Mountain Bike Oakridge (KMBO), a bi-annual event that brings parents and kids together to enjoy mountain biking on wilderness trails in the Willamette National Forest.

McPharlin has led Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day, is volunteer coordination for the Sea Otter Classic Dual Slalom race course, and served as vice president of the Monterey Off-Road Cycling Association. He is the lead instructor at The Dirt Dojo and provides MTB guide trainings for KMBO.

Class will meet Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 11 and 12 from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.  at Alsea Falls Trailhead, just above the Alsea Falls Campground off Alpine Road south of Corvallis Cost is $129.

For more information, see the LBCC online schedule at or call the LBCC Benton Center at 541-757-8944. Email for bike rental information (additional fee).


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