First News Update from Choir in Latvia

News from James Reddan, LBCC director of Choral Activities

The choirs have arrived in Riga, Latvia for the 8th World Choir Games after two successful performances in Helsinki, Finland at the Temmpeliaukio Kirrko (Rock Church) and Niguliste (St. Nicholas Church) in Medieval Tallinn, Estonia.  The choirs received standing ovations from both audiences.

Here is a short snippet of the chamber choir in Tallinn at the Niguliste

Here is another of the concert choir in Tallinn at the Niguliste

Upon arrival in Riga and lining up for the Parade of Nations, we were asked to lead the USA in the parade, and I was asked to be the flag bearer.  The entire thing was televised on the national Latvian News.  We are about 45 minutes in.  Here is the link:

I also attached a picture taken during the parade with us leading the US.  If you see the video you will see a lot and see how big this really is. Over 300 choirs walked in the parade today with lined streets!

It was really amazing to be a part of such of a huge international community of singers today and we meet them on the stage in the spirit of not just competition, but music and singing tomorrow as we compete in two of our three categories (Musica sacra a cappella and Musica contemporanea).

More to come!

James Reddan


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