Beth Hogeland Named LBCC Distinguished Staff

LBCC awarded Beth Hogeland, dean of Liberal Arts, Social Systems, and Human Performance, with the Distinguished Staff award at fall in service held Sept.14.

Hogeland began work at LBCC in 1990 as part-time faculty in Parenting Education. In 1992, she was hired as full-time faculty. From 2000 to 2001, Beth was temporarily promoted to a part-time position as director of Family Resources, while continuing her faculty job part-time. In 2002, she was promoted to full-time director. In 2003, Beth was again promoted to dean of Family Resources and Education, and in 2009 she was named dean of Liberal Arts, Social Systems, and Human Performance.

Hogeland, a Millersburg resident, was nominated by her peers for her dedication and commitment to LBCC, to staff, to students and to the community. She was lauded as a shepherd and champion of the strengths and abilities of others.

LBCC’s Distinguished Staff Award was established in 1980 to recognize employees for their contribution of both time and energy to the college. Nominees must have completed 10 years of continuous employment with LBCC.


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